Our Story

Hello, Our names are

Emily Lukacs, Josh Jensen

and Finn the Fishin' pup

If we aren’t fishing, we are talking to people about fishing (or keeping honey bees). We believe that everyone is an angler some just don’t know they are yet. We use photography and videos to communicate our passion for fishing and share it with the angling community.Our fishing excursions are not exclusive. We love meeting new people so either we take people out or go fishing through invites we get from some of the awesome people we meet.

When we aren’t out fishing, we are usually talking about fishing. We are either volunteering at events, talking to customers and vendors at outdoor sports shows about products, or posting on tips and techniques relating to fishing on social media. Besides talking about fishing, we produce products to help people get out fishing. For fun we build custom rods, pour and hand-paint jigs, tie flies, and custom paint lures.

We also offer apparel to show off your Crappie Junction colors!